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Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog

Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog

      Cooking recipe:

       Source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/korzinochki-s-belkovym-kremom/We prepare the dough. Put flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and diced cold butter in a blender bowl.

      Chop to a fine, greasy crumb.

      Add the eggs and knead the dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

      Roll out the dough between the sheets of parchment. We cut out circles a couple of centimeters larger than the diameter of the molds.

      We put the dough into molds and press it against the bottom and walls.

      We prick it with a fork, put a piece of foil each and pour in a load – for example, beans.

      Place in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake for 10 minutes. Take out, remove the foil and cargo, bake for another 8-10 minutes. Remove and cool.

      We prepare the cream. In a bowl, combine the proteins and sugar. We put it in a water bath and stir until the mass reaches 60 degrees.

      Remove from heat and whisk.

      If you take a meringue from a spoon and turn it over, the meringue should not fall or drain.

      Transfer the cream to a pastry bag with a nozzle.

      We put a teaspoon of jam in each basket.

      We put the cream out of the bag.


      Have a nice tea party!

       Recipe source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/korzinochki-s-belkovym-kremom/

Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog

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Baskets of protein cream on the Delicious Blog

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