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Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog

Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog

      Recipe: Source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/ezhevichno-smetannoe-zhele-s-orehami/Примечания by Ingredients: Berries. In this case, both frozen and fresh berries are suitable. Frozen ones should be defrosted beforehand. Blackberries can be replaced with raspberries, blueberries, black currants, cherries or strawberries. Raspberries and currants will go for substitution in a proportion of 1 to 1, the rest - that which is seedless - initially you can take 30% less. Orient on the fact that in the layout for 5 servings you will need 200 g of ready-made puree. And, well, of course, you can use ready frozen puree. Sour cream. Fat content - 15-25% according to your taste. If you want a dessert a little lighter, you can use yogurt. Take into account that in this case the sourness in the dessert will be more pronounced. Nuts. Walnuts will be the most expressive here. As an option, you can use pecans or pistachios. Almonds are a bit stiff for this dessert, cashews are not expressive enough. Gelatin. I use here sheet gelatin. To soak it, you don't need to measure the water - it takes in as much as you need, the rest you just pour off. When using powdered or granulated gelatin, the ratio of it with water will be 1 to 6 - that is, for 10 g of gelatin you need 60 g of cold water. Sugar. In this case, you need to use the finest possible sugar, which will quickly dissolve in the sour cream mass. If desired, it can be replaced by powdered sugar 1 to 1 by weight. Proceed to preparation. Sour cream layer Soak gelatin and let it swell. Chop nuts with a knife - not very finely, but not coarsely. Sour cream is combined with sugar and beat until it dissolves. Gelatin melt in a saucepan over low heat. Put in it a tablespoon of sour cream and quickly stir. Then add another spoonful and stir again. After that, with constant beating, pour the gelatin mass into the main volume of cream. These steps are necessary in order to equalize the temperature of the gelatin mass and cream and prevent the formation of lumps due to the large temperature difference. Add chopped nuts to the cream and stir. Spread into cups and send to the fridge to harden. Berry layer Soak the gelatin and let it swell. Meanwhile, prepare the puree. We beat the berries with a blender and rub through a sieve. This is a mandatory step, because the pips of blackberries are quite large and hard, and it will be unpleasant when they will be caught in your delicate jelly. From the amount of berries in the recipe you should get 200 g of berry puree. Transfer the puree into a saucepan and heat up to very hot (you can not bring to a boil). Add the swollen gelatine and stir until it dissolves. Transfer to a bowl, set aside and let cool slightly. Combine the sour cream with the sugar and whisk until it dissolves. Add a quarter of the sour cream to the blackberry puree and stir quickly. Then combine with the remaining sour cream. Take the cups with sour cream jelly out of the refrigerator and very carefully pour the second layer of blackberry mixture. Send again to the refrigerator, this time until completely set. The finished jelly can be decorated with berries, whipped cream or additional chopped nuts, if desired. Bon appetit! Recipe source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/ezhevichno-smetannoe-zhele-s-orehami/

Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog

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Blackberry-sour cream jelly with nuts on Tasty Blog

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