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Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog

Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog

      Cooking recipe:

       Source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/kurinye-krylyshki-s-vusterskim-sousom/

      Mix the ingredients for the marinade and whisk them with a fork until emulsified.

      The wings are cut into phalanges, the first phalanges are left for broth. Put the wings in a bowl, add the marinade, and mix.

      Marinate for 45-60 minutes, stirring occasionally.

      We transfer it to a fireproof form and send it to a preheated oven to 200 degrees and bake until ready, about 45-50 minutes. In the process, pour the remaining marinade from the mold.

      We are serving.

      Enjoy your meal!

       Recipe source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/kurinye-krylyshki-s-vusterskim-sousom/

Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog

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Chicken wings with Worcestershire sauce on the Delicious Blog

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