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Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog

Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog

      Cooking recipe:

       Source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/zapechennaya-tsvetnaya-kapusta-s-chesnochnym-maslom/Cabbage is divided into medium-sized inflorescences and put into a mold. Add salt and pepper to taste.

      We send it to a preheated 180 degree oven and bake for 12-15 minutes.

      In the meantime, melt the butter and add the sliced garlic.

      We put it on medium heat and cook until the oil acquires a slightly brownish hue and becomes transparent.

      Remove the cabbage pan from the oven and oil it generously.

      Return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.

      We serve it with garlic from butter.

      Enjoy your meal!

       Recipe source: https://www.vkusnyblog.com/recipe/zapechennaya-tsvetnaya-kapusta-s-chesnochnym-maslom/

Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog

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Baked cauliflower with garlic oil on a Delicious Blog

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